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Ukrainian National Cuisine

food UkraineUkrainians eat with pleasure their national meals as well as other countries' cuisine. But Ukrainian meals are the most common and every housewife can cook the following:

Borsch - a souplike dish consisting of meat, potatoes, beats, cabbage, tomato sauce and sometimes beans. Although these are the basic components, every housewife has their own version of borsch.

Vareniki - dumplings (with curd, meat, potatoes, cherries etc), boiled in water or steamed. It is usually served with sour cream. One can get vareniki at food shops as semi-finished products.

Pampushk- small rolls, served with garlic sauce.

Galushki- pastry rolls, cooked and served with soup.

Golubtsy- a rissole rolled in cabbage leaves and cooked in sour cream or tomato sauce.

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