• Data Mulheres asiáticas solteiras
  • Data Mulheres asiáticas solteiras
  • Data únicas mulheres Philippine
  • Data únicas mulheres ucraniano
  • Data únicas mulheres ucraniano
  • Data únicas mulheres ucraniano
  • Data únicas mulheres ucraniano
  • Data únicas mulheres ucraniano
  • Data Solteira Latina Mulher
  • Data Solteira Latina Mulher

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* Tour credits will expire if not used within 2 years from the date of you Platinum Membership termination.

The activation fee for your Platinum membership is only $95.00, then only $29.95 a month to remain a Platinum member and take advantage of all discounts and tour credits. Once you become a Platinum Member, the monthly renewal fee for continued access to the Express Mail and Phone Translation Discounts and Tour Credits is only $29.95, automatically billed to your credit card each month. The savings you will realize by just sending a few letters or making a call or two will more than offset the low monthly Platinum renewal fee of just $29.95, plus the entire $29.95 monthly renewal fee is credited towards a full AFA tour of your choosing! If you are going to correspond at all with the beautiful women profiled on this site the Platinum membership is a must!

If at any time you decide you no longer wish to be a Platinum Member just send us an E-mail to afa@wwdl.net and we will cancel your account.

If you have any questions please E-mail us at afa@wwdl.net

Prémios AFA

Vencedor do Prêmio 5 Vezes!

Vencedor do Idate Award - Melhor Programa de Afiliados 2019 2019 Melhor Agência
Internacional de Namoro
Vencedor do Idate Award - Melhor Programa de Afiliado 2018 Melhor Programa de Afiliados 2018
Vencedor do prêmio Idate - Melhor site de namoro de nicho 2016 2016 Melhor Site de Namoro de Nicho
Vencedor do prêmio Idate - Melhor site de namoro de nicho 2014 2014 Melhor Site de Namoro de Nicho
Vencedor do Idate Award - Melhor Programa de Afiliado 2014 2014 Melhor Programa de Afiliados
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