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Hansa Hotel

Hansa From $65 + VAT

Address:Kuibyshev Street 88, 443099 Samara
Room The Hansa Hotel is situated in the center of Samara, a few minutes from the shores of the river Volga. Its location in one of the inner courtyards off the Kuibyshevskaja Street guarantees a quiet and safe stay in the very heart of the old city.

The Hansa Hotel is conceived for business visitors who appreciate staying in a comfortable, friendly surrounding, without having to deal with all the typical problems one can encounter in a Russian town. The rooms are furnished in European style and equipped with a modern bathroom, telephone, mini bar and TV.

The friendly bilingual staff will help you solve all your logistical problems. They offer fully equipped offices, translation services and chauffer driven cars. For all kind of seminars, presentations and meetings, conference rooms are also available.

Cafe The rooms of Hansa Hotel are all equipped with a bathroom (shower and toilet), TV and a telephone. Drinks are available in the reception area. There is 24 hour security. The hotel is situated in a courtyard just off the main Kiubyshev street in Samara. The river Volga is a short downhill walk away.

Make your reservation now!

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