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Hotels in Costa Rica

San Jose is the travel hub for air travel to the emerald jewel of South America, Costa Rica. The city offers many hotels of varying degrees.

Single men traveling to the area will be interested in what most hotels and booking services don't want you to know: Nightly hotels fees may seem a bargain at a glance - but upon investigation you will find that many hotels simply do not allow female guests in the hotel. Or, if they do, there is often a steep surcharge associated with the privilege of a guest accompanying you to your room. The hotel that appeared to be a bargain from the US may turn out to be a very expensive proposition on a daily or weekly basis.

AFA-recommended hotels offer good, upgraded rooms that have no such qualifications attached.

Manuel Antonio

Hotel El Mirador del Pacifico
Hotel El Mirador del Pacifico is located in the central pacific region of Costa Rica, in the Manuel Antonio / Quepos area and is a short distance to the beach.

San Jose

Agency Hotel - * AFA Recommended
The hotel is located in the most beautiful center section of the city on third avenue, only 5 minutes away from the tourist attractions of the zone, and 15 Kms away from the International Airport.


Montana de Fuego Hotel
Montana de Fuego Hotel is located in La Fortuna, San Carlos, the hotel takes advantage of the natural beauty of the area and emerges as a peaceful oasis within a magnificient vegatation and diverse fauna.

Prémios AFA

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Internacional de Namoro
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Vencedor do prêmio Idate - Melhor site de namoro de nicho 2016 2016 Melhor Site de Namoro de Nicho
Vencedor do prêmio Idate - Melhor site de namoro de nicho 2014 2014 Melhor Site de Namoro de Nicho
Vencedor do Idate Award - Melhor Programa de Afiliado 2014 2014 Melhor Programa de Afiliados
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